“Task Failed Successfully”. More than just an Awesome Meme!

Monty Salt
5 min readMar 14, 2021


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There is a hilarious saying that is going around the campfire called “Task Failed successfully.”
Based on the successful computer glitches that are performed successfully and those annoying popup messages, I think there is much more than meets the eye when it comes to this quote.
(More than meets the eye, reminds me of Transformers, the old cartoon, not the new movies, but I digress.) It is basically a computer meme, and is closely tied in with glitchy platforms like XP (or most microsoft products).

This saying is amazing, and with my background as an IBM shift lead computer technician back in the pre Xp days, I totally get it. Sometimes I viewed a super weird glitch as a form of success, sometimes it was just a pain in the neck.

Just another day in the life of an entrepreneur.

It reminds me of my journey in the entrepreneurial world and how the old adage rings true
“You don’t learn much from your successes, mistakes and failure are the greatest teachers.”

And I am not alone in this way of thinking.

In fact one entrepreneur comes to mind when I think of being so transparent that its quite refreshing.

James Altucher

James Altucher is a well known author, entrepreneur and inspiration. The reason I include him in this article is clearly seen by his attitude towards failures as learning experiences.

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Check out a brief bio from his site:

“I’m an entrepreneur and angel investor. I’ve achieved the rank of chess master. And I’m the author of the Wall Street Journal best-selling book “Choose Yourself.” I’ve started 20 companies, 17 of which have failed. But I’ve learned a lot along the way.

If you’ve ever been stuck — in a job you hate, in a house you can’t afford, in a life you don’t want, in your own depressed mind, anything — I want to help you.”


So he created 20 companies and 17 failed! And he is a complete success with a high net worth!

I love his books, his complete honesty and transparency are must reads for entrepreneurs, or anyone who wants to feel better about a goofed project or a major blunder. He is also a great example of someone who practices minimalism, legend has it that he only owns about 15 items!! Thanks for all you do James!
Yeah check out his site, a lot of his books have kept me going when it felt like it was raining poop on me.

“Fail Better, Heal Faster”

This is a great quote that I think is closely related to the “Task failed successfully” mantra.

For some reason it reminds me of my early dating days. (Don’t laugh, it’s true).

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To me dating like learning how to perform a task that has a high failure rate that is also painful.

I am the worlds worst Skier

It reminds me of learning to ski or skate. I hated skiing, I’m probably the world’s worst skier.

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Part of it is that I never liked the feeling of sliding down the hills on skis. And I always knew that I would fall. Skating was a bit better.
After I started to not care as much and got to know what I wanted and why dating became easier. This is a key to success, I think. When you go for something and you realize that you will suck at doing them at first, any progress is great progress. Can you imagine if you gave up when you messed up your first word, or fell when you learned how to walk?

I did give up skiing, but it just wasn’t for me, I doubt I’ll ever get better at it, but at least I tried.

As I ramble on, I go back to the adage “Fail better, heal faster.’ It really is all about accepting that there is a learning curve to most things that are worthwhile in life.

I play the bass guitar, and after a year of practicing every day for at least an hour or two every couple days, I can see that “practice makes perfect’. It’s that way with most people when they learn a musical instrument. There is no substitute for practice or experience.
My progress at the beginning of learning the instrument was poor. Every day, I got better. Incrementally you get to a place where you can surprise yourself at times.

But it takes mistakes, overcoming criticism and occasionally looking stupid to succeed.

There seems to be a course of wisdom in this “fail better, Heal faster principle.”

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins has a great saying that he endorses that relates to this. (I must admit, I love tony robbins twitter tweets!)

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To paraphrase, He preaches a concept of trying to get 1% better at some task or project every day. You might think ‘1 percent?” That’s nothing! But when you add up 1% increases in 1 year you have an improvement of 365%!
That’s a lot of improvement in a reasonable amount of time!

Tony is the king.

Thanks for reading and learning more about why “Task Failed Successfully” is such an awesome saying!

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Monty Salt
Monty Salt

Written by Monty Salt

I love internet marketing, affiliate marketing, success principles and all things entrepreneurial!

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